Churchill Vintage Print Crockery

Churchill Vintage Print Crockery is available to buy-on-line from Chef & Bar Supplies within the extensive Restaurant Crockery product offer.

Vintage prints draw their inspiration from many classic crockery decorations originally imported from China and then the classic Josiah Spode designs first seen in the 1700's. 

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Churchill's take on the trend for vintage chic, is still very much in the fashion spotlight. It creates a stylised presentation that is far from predictable. The Vintage Prints collection includes a medley of Calico, Rose Chintz and Toile pieces taken from original archive prints on plates, cups, saucers and bowls. Perfect to give a unique appearance to a signature dish OR to add into a regular range for side dishes and specials OR simply, to give an 'age gone bye' look for a special theme. The pieces can be mixed and matched so every selection is unique.

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